Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Recipe: Wasabi

It's big in Japan, apparently.

300ml milk
300ml cream
3 eggs
1tsp vanilla essence
~120g sugar
1 3/4 tsp wasabi paste

Make vanilla custard, stir in the wasabi, dissolved in the minutest amount of water.

Verdict: Hmm...well...not at all bad, though definitely not for everyone. The trial group was divided down the middle as to whether this was awesome or awful. One chap complained of a "meaty" flavour, though this appeared to have diminished after further freezing (the more frozen ice cream is, the more subdued the flavour is...). The spicy aftertaste is very pleasant, but I have a feeling that this may not be making up part of Ice Cream Sunday's greatest hits of 2005...


Anonymous said...

Did I miss an ICS???!!! I'll kill that lady friend of mine for telling me it's wasn't on! Wasabi and all... ooh she'll have some answering to do.... T.

The Mitch said...

Relax, relax...this was an unauthorised "damn, I gotta use up that tub of cream before it goes off" event. The good news is, there's loads of wasabi left for next sunday's double feature XMAS special!

Anonymous said...

Oi, that lady friend had it on good authority that it was not going to happen... HOW SAD THAT I MISSED WASABI (word to the wise: wasabi is always better when paired with avocado.) kat

The Mitch said...

Woah! Such controversy on the ICS blog! Let me clarify things here:

a) NO ONE HAS MISSED OUT ON ICE CREAM SUNDAY! I've been out of town for the past two weekends..

b) The wasabi ice cream was prepared late on a weeknight evening and only tasted by the permanent residents at ice cream sunday HQ.

c) Like it or not, there will be plenty of wasabi ice cream available this sunday, in addition to a special christmas flavour. BYO Avocado...

So that's that. Until next time, stay cool. (hehe get it? Cool..Ice cream...it's cold...heh...sigh)